Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn are teaming up yet again in hopes of another summer blockbuster. The team have enjoyed much recent success with the surprise hit "Dodgeball". Audiences raved about their comedic interplay, and this didn't escape notice from some of Hollywood's finest directors.
This summer they are cast in Martin Scorsese's abrasive, yet tender rendering of Jane Austen's "Emma". Stiller will portray Frank Churchill, love interest for Emma Woodhouse, while Vaughn will play Mr. Knightly, who also fancies Emma.
This playful, poignant, romantic story takes a chilling turn under Scorsese's expert eye, as Churchill is gunned down in broad daylight by heavies from the Knightly family, avenging the death of their patriarch, Don Knightly, who was himself killed three years earlier when Papa Churchill collaborated with the FBI to bring down the Knightly crime family.