Alaina Alexander, the latest American Idol contestant with nude internet photos, and Chris Richardson have a thing going on. Alaina was one of the top 24 finalists while Chris is in the top 9. She was sitting with his family and friends at Tuesday's taping of the show.
An unnamed source at the television studio said that "we've all been watching this one. Chris, like everyone else, saw the Antonella photos. He claims to be bigger and better than Antonella's boyfriend and can't wait to pose with Alaina in the same positions."
This is not the first Idol romance. Last year, there was Ace Young and Kelly Pickler. In the first season, there was Justin and Kelly (remember their movie, "From Justin to Kelly"?). Rumors also swirled about Ryan Seacrest and Clay Aiken and about Simon and Paula and even about Simon and his mirror.