Good Poet turns up for Poetry open mike night

Funny story written by Ben Macnair

Sunday, 8 April 2018

image for Good Poet turns up for Poetry open mike night
My Family dog is as lazy as a log, and as green as a frog.....

There was consternation in Chutney on the Fritz when a fairly decent writer, who doesn't bang on about his poetry on social media turned up for the Words Matter poetry night in the King's Bottom on Wednesday night.

Deirdre Rhyming Couplet from the Chutney association of Doggerel writers said, 'It was quite shocking, it really was. Ever since Miss Green said she liked how I described the family dog as being like a log, and as green as a frog, in Primary school in 1957,I have been the taste-maker on the Chutney Poetry scene, and everybody agrees that I am the best poet on the Fritz river scene, and that stretches as far as Badger on the Fritz and Zebra on the Fritz as well. Anybody who disagrees with me, isn't really worth bothering about'.

Gladys Philpot Hughes from the rival association, Chutney Writers told us 'For the past 61 years Ms Rhyming Couplet has been going on and on about how Miss Green liked her work. Miss Green was a people pleaser, always wanting to say the right thing, even if it would give a small child an inflated sense of her own importance'

The Man who gave the performance is still a mystery, but we hope that he keeps turning up, if only to keep Miss Rhyming Couplet in her place.

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