LA BREA, California - Jay Leno recently stated that he hates the way NBC treated him.
He felt that they could have handled the situation a lot better than just turning his personal Tonight Show parking lot parking space into a handicap parking spot without even bothering to tell him.
Jay was spotted the other day walking around the world famous La Brea Tar Pits. One tourist, who said he was from Kalamazoo, Michigan said that Leno walked up to him and said, "Howdy there. I'm Jay Leno, do you remember me?"
The tourist said that he kidded with Jay and told him that he looked familiar. After a couple of seconds the tourist replied, "You're not Jay Leno. Who are you trying to kid fella? You're Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey."
The tourist said that he actually saw some tears in Leno's eyes. He felt bad so he told him that he knew it was him. He then said, "Jay, there is no one on the face of the Earth who has as gigantic a chin as you do bro."