BEVERLY HILLS - Jay Leno who hosted The Tonight Show for 16 years has just informed the news media that he has received his very first unemployment check.
One reporter asked the multi-millionaire if maybe he didn't feel a bit guilty for accepting an unemployment check since he's so damn wealthy.
Leno grinned and said not a bit. He then pointed out to the reporter for the supermarket tabloid Say What? that he had paid into the unemployment system for over 40 years and so he was more than entitled to receive the money he got.
Jay was asked how much his unemployment check was for.
He shook his head and said that it was nobody's business but his, his wife's, and of course Uncle Sam's.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: I texted my good friend Larry King, who knows everything about everyone, and he said that Jay Leno's monthly unemployment check was for $17,314. 83.]