Justin Bieber Says Since Atlanta Doesn't Want Him He May Try To See About Moving To Savannah

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

image for Justin Bieber Says Since Atlanta Doesn't Want Him He May Try To See About Moving To Savannah
Justin says he loves Atlanta because the girls all say y'all.

ATLANTA - A source very close to Justin Bieber says that the talented pop singer is devastated that the residents of Atlanta do not want him moving into their community.

Bieber even went as far as to say he would donate $125,000 to The Buckhead Neighborhood Alliance if he could move there.

But BNA president Liddie Lou Hornholtz said that they don't want money from a spoiled brat who goes around speeding all over town and endangering men, women, children, and even alligators.

The Canadian singer who is in danger of being deported back to the Land of The Mounties (Canada) told Hollywood Vis-รก-Vis reporter Hacienda Dakota that he may see about possibly buying a house in Savannah, the hometown of Paula Deen.

SIDENOTE: Justin told Miss Dakota that if the city of Savannah refuses to allow him to move there he may consider hiring the highly touted attorneys from California, cousins Gloria and Ginger Allred.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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