Hangover's Ken Jeong To Star In "Manti Te'o - The Mama of All Hoaxes"

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Saturday, 19 January 2013

image for Hangover's Ken Jeong To Star In "Manti Te'o - The Mama of All Hoaxes"
Manti Te'o autographed this football and sent it to V.P. Joe Biden - Biden sent it back.

HOLLYWOOD - Word out of Tinsel Town is that famed Italian director Bellanino Terrabini has just agreed to direct the new Tri-Moon Productions film Manti Te'o - The Mama of All Hoaxes.

The movie deals with Manti Malietau Louis Elmer Te'o, a Samoan-American who was born in Laie, Hawaii and ended up playing for the Norte Dame Fighting Irish.

Noted Hollywood actor Ken Jeong, who has become well known for his portrayal of Mr. Chow in the Hungover series of films, will be portraying the number 5 wearing Te'o.

Jeong told Pomona Vox with Silver Screen Magazine that he has really researched the life of Te'o and he actually viewed films of every high school and college football game that Manti played in.

Te'o reportedly had an Internet affair with a Lennay Kekua, who he said was his girlfriend. But the interesting thing about the situation is that the girl that Manti apparently thought was Lennay Kekua was in reality a fictitious female.

The FBI has reportedly narrowed down the fake female to three individuals; Pandora Anatolian, Clarice Pillsteen, and Rigoberta Bandolero.

Anatolian and Bandolero reside in Sausalito, California, and Pillsteen lives in Whipple, Ohio.

Terrabini has stated that he has talked to the members of the Norte Dame football team and they have agreed to appear in the film as themselves.

Manti Te'o was asked to be the film's consultant but reports are that he is still devastated at the turn of events. He reportedly told one of his close friends that he is in semi-hiding and won't even venture out to the drive-thru at McDonalds.

SIDENOTE: The motion picture studio verified that also starring in the movie will be Adam Lambert, Melissa Rivers, India's Aishwarya Rai, Ricky Gervais, Shakira, and appearing as himself Bob Dylan.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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