Kate Middleton Considering Breast Augmentation Surgery

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


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image for Kate Middleton Considering Breast Augmentation Surgery
Kate Middleton is not happy with Queen Elizabeth's remarks.

LONDON - England's Tickety Boo News is reporting that Kate Middleton is devastated over the topless photos that were secretly taken of her.

Neville Twickenbuck of TBN stated that an unnamed highly reliable source has made it known that the Duchess of Cambridge is so embarrassed by the nude photos that she is seriously considering going in for breast augmentation surgery.

Her husband Prince William has remarked that he wholeheartedly supports his wife's decision and has verified that their insurance provider will cover the surgery 100 percent.

The royal pair (no pun intended) have reportedly discussed the matter at length and since Kate has become quite despondent and depressed that the entire world has seen her less than ample royal rack they've decided that the breast enhancement is the way to go.

Queen Elizabeth II, is said to be furious with Prince William and Kate's decision and she has vowed to see that the breast enhancement surgery is cancelled.

SIDENOTE: Tickety Boo News is reporting that Kate has told William that he had better tell his grandmother to but out of her business or she will consider leaving him.

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