Stories Too Defamatory

Funny story written by Heeke

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

image for Stories Too Defamatory
Just reporting the facts.

On CNN, a reporter was given his walking papers because he gave a report that his superiors thought was too defamatory to its subject matter.

The reporter had been reporting on a woman naked eating ice cream in a CVS right after having an accident and leaving her children. Due to the woman's high-profile personality, CNN canned the report and dismissed the reporter.

CNN spokesperson Regina Downtrodden comment on the matter was, "This has not been the first time this reporter has done this and he will probably do it again. The first time was to report a high ranking Senator being investigated for brothel corruption and racketeering. There was another story about a midget who was a religious zealot trying to recruit other midgets for reasons unknown. We wish him well and hope he is happy at another station."

The reporter was heard to say prior to leaving, "Screw CNN, I'm going to Fox News where reporters can be reporters."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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