The Kardishians -- who make zillions of bucks off of their teeny tiny shoe and big booty fashion lines -- use "unscrupulous labor practices" and have been known to turn a blind eye to shocking working conditions ... this according to a national news report.
A human rights activist group is investigating claims that young workers in Chinatown are working in squalid conditions to assemble and manufacture merchandise for the K-Dish by Kardishian label, the Kris Jinner Kollection and Shoe Be Dazzled, according to a Star Power Magazine investigation.
The institute for Global Labour and Human Protection Agency confirms with ET... they have launched an top secret investigation, amidst claims the Kardishians' products are produced in mega stinky factories reeking of stench from sewage and compounded with temperatures north of 105 degrees in the shade. An official from the organization tells ET, conditions in the area are scientifically "horrific."
There are also claims the employees work up to 84 hours a week, earning $1 an hour. The Kardishians rake in approximately $65 million a year in big booty earnings alone.
We asked Kim Kardishian to speak about the implorable factory conditions producing the big booty fashion lines. "Well, ummm, just a to brain...hello...ya I guess so. You know I just love those tiny hands that make all the teeny tiny shoes I wear. They are so talented too working day and night making all my skin tight big booty designer clothes to fit all my all natural vivacious curves. I don't know how they do it, but it's totally amazing," giggled Kim.
Kris Jinner tells ET ... "Those factories manufacture a number of products unrelated to Kardishian lines and I do not believe any of these unproven allegations. As far as I know the mega factories that are used to manufacture the Kardishian big booty clothing and teeny tiny shoes have nothing terrible going on at all. These state of the art factories are very well policed, guarding our secret big booty fashion lines and no one is allowed in the restricted assembly areas without a background check. It's has more security than Rikers." Kris says, "Kim has not visited Chinatown as she is very sensitive to fugitive stinky odors and well I will certainly get to the bottom of these air quality issues immediately."