Spider-Man Stuck in Apple iPad, Wants Out

Funny story written by Gail Farrelly

Friday, 9 April 2010

image for Spider-Man Stuck in Apple iPad, Wants Out
Spider-Man has four words for fans: "Get me outta here."

The Apple iPad revolution of 2010 is exciting for the business community. But it's been a complete disaster for at least one person: 48-year-old Spider-Man. Not good news for him that Marvel Comics has developed an app that makes the iPad his new home.

He has e-mailed to friends four major complaints about his current housing:

1. He's claustrophobic and would much rather be climbing up and down skyscrapers, rather than being confined.

2. His living space inside the iPad is so small, it's really difficult for him to squeeze his middle-aged body into his costume, especially the headgear.

3. In the tight quarters of the iPad residence, he's constantly running into the villains he despises -- Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus and Venom. To quote Spider-Man directly, "There goes the neighborhood!"

4. He thinks it's unfair that Steve Jobs is living a life of luxury, while condemning him to live in a space not big enough for a tiny spider, let alone a fully-gown action hero.

Spider-Man is the ultimate hero who is usually in control of every situation. Now he's in dire straits. His fans are worried. Will he be able to spin his way out of this one?

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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