Giant monopoly Amazon is to buy giant monopoly Google, and giant monopoly Walmart to make one huge corporation to basically run everything in America.
The A.G.W. (Amazon - Google - Walmart) Corporation - will sell you everything.
And watch you 24 hours a day.
Monopolies are totally Illegal by US law, but Reagan, Clinton, etc., and their congresses stopped enforcing Anti - trust Laws years ago - needing corporate money to get elected president.
Biden also doesn't enforce Anti - trust Laws, needing money for re-election.
Giant monopoly Disney protested at this merger, as it will decrease free competition in America - (and might cut into its profits).
"We have always been known for totally free competition among businesses. What is this world coming to?" A Disney spokesman, dressed like Mickey Mouse said, in a high thin voice.
"Next, they will be letting Billionaires pay no Taxes
"It is corrupt to let giant corporations merge, and also do shared Monopolies.
"Very un-American. Walt would be rolling over in his grave."