Chimps Beat a Path to Doors of Law Schools

Funny story written by Gail Farrelly

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

image for Chimps Beat a Path to Doors of Law Schools
Order in the court!

No monkeying around!

Now that they are pressing for the right to sue, a number of chimps have decided to go to law school. One chimp points out, "The proceeds of successful lawsuits should stay within the species. Why should we let bossy humans run away with our profits? Fair is fair."

Also within their plans is ascending to the bench. The chimps are already on the lookout for tailors who are willing to fashion pint-sized judicial robes.

And the chimps are confident they can keep order in the courtroom. They figure a few menacing growls should do the trick.

Blimey! If Darwin could only see them now...

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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