Phone company releases phone that you can install in your dead cat

Funny story written by Frank the gunslinger

Friday, 18 April 2014

image for Phone company releases phone that you can install in your dead cat
Whacky Phones are all the rage

Using cute animals in advertising is nothing new and is something that phone companies have been exploiting for a long time.

The little known Russian telephone manufacturer "Khorosho" has taken it one step further.

"We have released phone that allow you to be closer to deceased pet," announced Sergei Vagin, the vice president of the company's marketing department.

The process goes something like this, when the pet is sick or needs to be put down the consumer notifies the company. Khorosho then sends out a special satchel that once dead, the animal can be put into. The satchel stops the animal's carcass from breaking down for up to a week. Once it gets to the factory the company's taxidermists meticulously stuff the animal and install the phone of the customers choosing.

"It great for cats, it great for dog, we even instill one in parrot," boasted a proud Sergei Vagin.

The idea has been slow to grow but does have it's fans.
Khorosho doesn't seem to think that it's customers will look ridiculous talking into their dead pets.

"Oh no," smiled Sergei, "the pets are put in peaceful position and sprayed with deodorizer, they are extremely lightweight. It also look good compared to nominal phone, it makes it harder to lose your cell when it is trapped inside Fifi or Pooch."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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