The provisional offerings for accommodation on the farm were The Chicken Shack, or one of the many outlying buildings and stables, which were categorized under "Shack and Or".
The Chicken Shack is by far the largest building, as the farm's main business is rearing fat chicken's for underweight Americans. Of the early responders, most selected The Chicken Shack as their accommodation, because although the feathers and poop were expected to cause some slight inconvenience, there would be a great opportunity to promulgate in-the-shack ideas during continuous discussion.
The few who had opted for alternative accommodation had all ticked the box which said "Living outside the Shack beats being pooped and feathered amongst a bunch of people who can only think in a Shack." When interviewed, the alternative's spokesman said "Learning about nature is more important than being with a bunch of rich businessmen and politicians who wouldn't recognise nature if they lived in it".
Apparently the first item on The Chicken Shack agenda is "1 - The weirdos who are staying elsewhere". There has been a suggestion that these weirdos may be of a nature that may at a future time succumb to or report on terrorism. That's the only place that nature was hinted at in the total Bilderberger Shack 2013 agenda!
Meanwhile the outside participants watched birds and animals, and some even ventured into growing plants. Important discoveries were made, such as plants that actually do flourish even without chemical fertiliser and pesticide, and humans and animals that actually that can survive without vaccination. Next year they plan an experiment to see if teeth will stay in the mouth without fluoride in the water.
Meanwhile inside the Shack, the members were congratulating themselves on how much money they were receiving in grants, donations and fees from The Cancer Business. They had set up a block on the web pages that told people just how unlikely the cut/burn/poison approach was to help, and had completely banned those pages which provided information on the hundreds of natural cancer cures.
The Shackers discussed the follow-on projects from Bluebeam, which is where they will provide a sky-filling holograph of aliens and their spaceships, and this lead to a discussion on just how successfully the starvation program had limited people's career opportunities, and how they could make starvation available to more people. There was a problem with forty percent of food produced already being dumped in the oceans or left to rot, as any increase might get noticed.
They also congratulated themselves on their education control program which had worked so well that the number of people able to think was now down below ten percent, though some new-fangled enlightenment program was helping a small group of people to overcome the mind-control, simply by changing their level of consciousness.
A suggestion that maybe people were more than just a body was soundly rejected, as nothing other than a body was known to science. Most of the Shack participants thought that reincarnation meant buying another wife.