The bouncer

Submitted by norma snockers

Saturday, 28 March 2009

A guy goes for a job as a bouncer in a brothel; the manager is very impressed and offers him a superb package including company car, free life insurance etc.

The best of the perks is he is promised a free bunk up with the girl of his choice every night. Needless to say he takes the job.

At the end of the first day the manager comes up to him and tells him to take his pick of the girls, the guy picks the blonde in the schoolgirl uniform and off they go to a private room.

Much to his surprise she just gives him a quick one off the wrist and leaves the room. "That's odd" thinks our hero, "perhaps she's tired today."

At the end of day two he picks a redhead dressed up as a nurse same thing happens, back to the room and a quick one off the wrist. "Oh well" thinks our none too bright hero "I'm tired myself tonight so I won't worry." Anyway, this goes on the rest of the week, every night a different girl and every night just a quick one off the wrist.

At the end of the first week the MD asks our man if he has any comments at all, usual stuff, they are pleased with him etc. but does he have anything to say. Our man may be slow but shyness is not one of his qualities so he tells the MD that all the girls have just given him a quick one off the wrist but he was promised a bunk up every night. To this the MD replies, "But surely you realize you have to work a week in hand"

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