Three judo wives were having Sunday tea with Father O'Reilly and they were becoming fairly boastful about their respective husbands and bragging about who had the best job, the most income, etc. when one of the wives said, "Father my husband has an Orange Belt in judo and is bald on the front of his head. What does that mean?"
"Well my dear, that means that your husband is a great thinker!" replies Father O'Reilly
"Ah, yes, you are quite right" said the wife very proudly.
The second wife then piped up and said, "Father, my husband has his Blue Belt in Judo and is going bald on the back of his head. What does that mean?"
The priest replied, "That means that your husband is a great lover."
"Why, yes, you are so right." the 2nd wife said shyly.
At this point the third wife, not to be outdone, said, "But Father my husband has a Black Belt in Judo and is bald both on the front and
back of his head. What does THAT mean?"
"Well my dear," said Father O'Reilley, "that means your husband thinks he's a great lover."