Clough's Clout Headed Nails

Submitted by Mongrel

Saturday, 10 March 2007

A wealthy but down-to-earth scrap metal merchant started a new line of business by recycling metal to produce nails for common DIY jobs. He called his product 'Clough's Clout Headed Nails, but in the first year they didn't sell too well so he decided to advertise. But how do you advertise nails? Very difficult - but he used his imagination.

His first advert caused media outrage. It depicted the Good Friday crucifixion scene with a caption below - 'For a really good job, use Clough's Clout Headed Nails'. 50,000 telephone complaints were made in one day, he was obliged to issue a statement. 'Don't worry, he told the press. Next week I'll run a more sensitive advert'

Next week the advert appeared in a modified form. It depicted the same three crosses, this time empty!. In the distance however, three bearded figures in loin cloths were seen running for the hills. The new caption read 'This wouldn't have happened if they'd used Clough's Clout Headed Nails'.

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