A Dozen Raven Quotes Rejected by Poe

Submitted by Ana Sian

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Quoth the Raven: “Nope.”

Quoth the Raven: “Ah hell no!”

Quoth the Raven: “Nuh-uhn.”

Quoth the Raven: “Never have so many done something so something for so few somethings … or something – where’s my rum?”

Quoth the Raven: “Never gonna get it, never gonna get it...”

Quoth the Raven: “Never ... or ... sometimes.”

Quoth the Raven: “What, never? No, never. What, never? Hardly ever! He’s hardly ever sick at sea!”

Quoth the Raven: “Maybe.”

Quoth the Raven: “Who knows? Why not? Try it, you might like it. Now can I have a cracker?”

Quoth the Raven: “Whatever makes you happy, pal. Who am I kidding? You’re never happy – your name is Edgar and your last name looks like Poo!”

Quoth the Raven: “I shit on your bust of Pallas.”

Quoth the Raven: “I’m trying to fly away – would you please open a fucking window!”

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