I have compiled a list of names that I have created for reality TV shows that are more to the point. In other words, let's call them what they really are. For you non-Americans, I have no intention of insulting your intelligence, but I'm guessing you probably haven't heard of most of these shows. The name in bold is the name of the actual show. The others are all me - and I'm very, very sorry about that.
Project Runway
1) Project Secretly Hoping She Falls On Her Ass
2) Female Self-Image Stompers
Hell's Kitchen:
1) Bosses You Would Drown In A Grease Vat
2) British Asshole Verbally Abuses Women and Still Gets Paid Kitchen
3) Rich People Bitching Over Plates of Caviar and Shit
America's Got Talent:
1) America's Got To Be Kidding, Right?
2) America's Got A Lot of Time On Its Hands
3) America Shouldn't Quit Its Day Job
4) I Swear To God If Another Fucking Ventriloquist Wins . . .
"MTV's The Real World"
1) MTV's Try Not To Get Herpes World
2) MTV's Smarter Than My Parents World
3) MTV's If You Tuned In For Music - FUCKĀ YOU! . . World
1) Guys Who Only Had A Couple Of Beers, Honest
2) Places In Your Car Not To Hide Your Dugs
3) The Running Minority Hour
"Naked And Afraid"
1) I Can't Stop Looking At Her Blurry Vagina
2) Matted Hair And Stinky Crotch
3) I Watch It For The Articles
"Dr. Phil"
1) Dr. Philioprahwinfrey
2) Dr. Ride My Moustache In the Green Room
3) Humongous Texan Yells At Little Girls
"Pawn Stars"
1) Las Vegas Gambler Exploiters
2) One Down - Three To Go Stars
"The Biggest Loser"
1) Okay - Now I Love You
"Toddlers and Tiaras"
1) Mini Sluts
2) Ugly Moms Who Dropped Out of Chess Club
3) Which One's the Five Year-Old?
"Here Comes Honey Boo Boo"
1) I'm Suddenly Craving Fried Twinkies and Pig's Feet
2) What's That Rumbling Sound? - Honey Boo Boo Returns
"Deadliest Catch"
1) Oh, Boy, Look. They Caught Another Fish.
3) The Adventures of Captain Bitchy-Britches and his Asshole Men
"Dancing with the Stars"
1) Shuffling Around Clumsily With Unknown Has-Beens
2) Making An Ass of Yourself For the Paycheck
3) Dancing With Gary Colman's Half-Sister's Gynecologist
4) Doing What With The Who Now?