1. "I don't believe in guns."
Trust me, they're real. They still leave real bullet holes whether you believe in them or not.
2. "President Trump claims to be trying to win black voters but refuses to let felons vote."
That is among the most racist things that any liberal news source has ever said. Why does he have to support felons to get the black vote?
3. "We have to keep prayer out of public school in order to protect free speech."
Really? Does the fire department burn down houses in order to protect them?
4. "White men are the problem in America."
That was said by a woman who is trying so hard to look like a White man.
5. "We need to stop the pipeline due to the environmental impact it may have."
In that case, why does the pipeline have less impact on the environment than the Liberal protestors who leave their trash everywhere?
6. ‘Men Working’ sign deemed sexist, Ohio college tells crew to stop working until it's removed.
Are any of the leftist female or trans college students volunteering to help fix the road, let alone give them a more "acceptable" sign?
7. "It's not murder; unborn babies aren't actually people."
That's very close to what a certain German chancellor said or what American slave owners once said.
8. "We need to have a debate on gun control." -- Nancy Pelosi
No, Nancy. That debate was settled in 1791.
9. "Voter ID laws are racist!"
Then why aren't you going after laws that require that you have ID to buy beer, buy cigarettes, get a job, buy a house, start a bank account, or buy a gun?
10. "We need more immigrants in our country!"
But aren't you always ragging about America being so bad? Why would you want to torture illegal immigrants with our bad country? And why don't you want them in your sanctuary cities?