2 Too Many

Submitted by Al N.

Monday, 26 December 2016

Little Johnny was in Math class and it was his turn to answer a math problem.

"If I gave you 3 dogs on Monday, 1 dog on Wednesday, and 2 dogs on Saturday, how many dogs would you have?" asked Johnny's teacher.

"Seven!" shouted Johnny.

"Now wait a minute Johnny, you need to think it through" said the teacher. "Listen, if I gave you 3 dogs on Monday, 1 dog on Wednesday, and 2 dogs on Saturday, how many dogs would you have?"

"SEVEN!" shouted Johnny.

"Listen Johnny! Just take the numbers-3 + 1 + 2. Now if I gave you all those dogs, how many dogs would you have?

"Still seven!" insisted Johnny. "I already have a dog at home!"

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