Susan Boyle - My Fake Diary
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
"I'm changing my image. I'm going to start wearing a dog bone through my nose, I'm dying my hair metallic pink and purple, and I'm going to have a body shop spray paint me glow-in-the-dark yellow. Instead of crooning soft lullabies, I'll be screaming, ranting, and raving like someone ready for serious psychiatric treatment. I've started up my own punk rock band. It's an all girl band. We're called Susan & the Psychedelic Psychos. I have a guitar player who looks like she just returned from warring with the Vikings; my bass looks as if she crawled out from under a rock - at Stonehenge; and my drummer has so many tattoos she could substitute as an illustrated encyclopedia. No more Goody Two Shoes, I'm Susan Bad Spikes."
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