Samuel Vargo

Screen Name: Samuel Vargo

Samuel Vargo has published 282 items on The Spoof.

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Latest Spoof News Story: Monday 24th July 2017

Spoofing since: Saturday 15th June 2013

Location: Wherever I am.

Profile: "Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process."

- Mark Twain


Are you interested in buying a complete collection of my flash satire and comedy? For a couple of bucks, you can find a lot of the stuff I've had published online and in literary magazines. It's the bargain of the day and shouldn't put you into bankruptcy. If you live in Canada, homeboy or homegirl, you can order my book on Indigo! Do you live in Japan or another part of Asia and have some spare change to throw my way and in return, hopefully have a few laughs at my expense, well, you just click here to Rakuten! Do you live in the wonderful and beautiful Netherlands? Well, homeboys and homegirls, ya'all just go on with your bad selves and order my e-book(s) on!

And last but not least, Si vous habitez en France et que vous aimez la poésie, voici quelque chose pour vous, et cela ne vous causera pas tant d'argent que vous voudrez sauter de la Tour Eiffel!

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