Ray Mears - My Fake Diary

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Feeling restless again. After St. Kilda. Wolverhampton's fine, but it lacks a certain wilderness feel.I don't know why I took John Craven's advice to buy a semi in the Midlands.

Fond memories of so many homes. A six-foot dinghy in the Magellan Straits; a giant anthill in northern Borneo; inside a whale carcass on a Shetland beach. Happy times.

No wonder I can't settle in Wolverhampton. I need somewhere rugged, somewhere manly. I'm Ray Mears. I might call Kirsty and Phil. We could do a show: A Des Res for Ray.

Julia Bradbury's on Can't Cook, Won't Cook tonight. She's so my ideal woman - like me but more female.

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