Ray Mears - My Fake Diary

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Sorry about not writing yesterday... it was too cold and the ink in my pen froze. 'Pilot-Pat' had been crying all night about "Mess". I can see we shall need to eat him if we are to survive, but we've got a stack penguins to go though first.

'Pilot-Pat' told me that the plane had a transponder and that search and rescue would be looking for us for the next 48 hours.

I hope it still works. the litle red aeroplane looks decidedly battered!

Managed to syphon a gallon of high-octane avgas out of fuel tank and got a nice fire going.

Thawed pen so I can write.

Made frying pan out of piece of aeroplane - resourceful chap that I am - sauteed Penguin on menu tonight!

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