Napoleon - My Fake Diary

Saturday, 6 December 2014

In 200 years, they will celebrate the outcome of this battle , at Waterloo..hundreds of petite actors will attempt to mimick me , while thousands of suburban husbands will volunteer for ''Re-enactments''.....

Bien sur, to truly portray 19th Century Battle, they would have to ban 'Selfies', 'Tweets' and 'Workers Rights'..that is, to ensure that the 19th Century soldier has no rights at all, else he could not be chain-ganged into the horror of hand - to - hand combat, after which the Armee has no legal obligation....Why, we could not get them to sign up, if we did not 'Press - Gang ' them, after getting them too drunk to refuse...In future years, this will not be so easy, I fancy...

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