Miley Cyrus - My Fake Diary

Friday, 10 January 2014

Dear Diary,

Boy did I surprise those folks with that "Wrecking Ball" performance! I wanted them to know that Hannah Montana has grown up. I'm Miley Cyrus and I have a cute bun.

So all of a sudden all these guys want dates now.

Most of them are only after one thing. Every girl knows that.

I especially hate the ones that say, "You know Miley, I love you but I'm not really in love with you!"

Now what does that mean? If you ask, they don't know either.

How about if I clarify it for you. You want inside me even though you don't particularly like those wrecking ball stunts.

I still have chaffing. Hope it gets well soon.

Good night Diary.

-Miley not Hannah

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