Lucifer - My Fake Diary

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Great orgy last night in the House of Commons! All my buddies were there, Blair, Kissinger, Cheney, Murdoch, Hillary, Bill, Gordon, etc. Best blood I ever tasted. I impressed upon them the urgency of confusing the human ant colony if we are to establish our New World Order. We have to confuse people TOTALLY about what is natural and what is unnatural. Otherwise morality so-called is sure to make things difficult for us. They must reach the point where they cannot decide between a man-made disaster and a natural disaster. We are making great progress in manipulating mind to consider gender as a social construct and not a natural endowment. This is the path but there is not enough being done. When they have become totally confused between the natural and what we tell them is natural then we will be able to take control of the entire planet and its ecology. Most of them get the joke but few of them seem to understand the seriousness of what is at stake. I will persevere regardless. Next stop the White House and then a brief visit to Hollywood to outline my plans as to how cultural confusion can be inculcated. I must refer them to the Turner Prize as an illustration of what I have in mind.

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