Barack Obama - My Fake Diary

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Well, so far so good. No one suspects that I am wearing all-over brown body make-up. I'm glad it's waterproof or Michelle might have sussed me out in the shower.

Now, if only I can keep lying to the American public, and indeed, the World, for bit longer.

I just love this big house and the fact that we can afford anything we damned well want.

Walmart greeters envy me. Hell - everyone in the world envies me.

For Christ's sake even Ienvy me.

I didn't think I'd pull it off. I still want to laugh when I think about it. PRESIDENT OF THE USA.

What a bloody laugh. If only the people knew I was a Yorkshire lad, born and bred, wearing stage make-up and putting on a fake American accent.

Well, here's to another day of fooling all of the people all of the time.

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