Barack Obama - My Fake Diary
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Dear Diary,
Today is a new year and this month I become the first African American President. Every body is telling me that I shouldnt worry about anything, but I wasnt worrying about any thing.
Mrs. Obama keeps getting further and further apart and goes out in the middle of the night. I just wanna know what she does. When she comes back though she smells weird and her hair is messed up. I really wish she wouldnt go I need a lil somethin somethin (if u no what I mean).
In case you dont know that lil somethin somethin is my Pancakes and she makes them better than that IHOP that the Americas have here.
I really cant wait till the inauguration. I heard that there was a bunch of people coming, but they have guns for some reason. I guess there gonna shoot up in the sky like they do at the races or something.
Any ways its been fun talking to you Diary. Bye *muah*
Love Ya,
Barack Obama
P.S. I forgot to give you a name. I think ill call you Princess. It matches your pink cover
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