Indian Sadhus banned from smoking pot at Hindu festival in honour of pot-smoking God Shiva!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

image for Indian Sadhus banned from smoking pot at Hindu festival in honour of pot-smoking God Shiva!
Sadhu's love a joint or two, so did their God Shiva, blow it man!

Nepali Sadhu's gathering for the annual Hindu festival of Shivaratri in honour of the Hindu God Shiva, (who loved a joint or two), have been banned from smoking joints at the festival.

Many Sadhu's or Holy Men feel quite insulted and have called the authorities hypocrites because the very God they are there to worship was a mean 'potter'!

It seems that the Hindu authorities want to clean up the image of the religion and smoking pot is to be banned from all temples, holy shrines and on the banks of the Ganges.

Although the Hindu religion is not be~smitten with a plague of paedophiles that haunts the Catholic church and other Christian denominations it still wishes to present itself as non/corrupt, pristine and untouchable (plenty of them in India).

Sadhu's also like to flash their 'dickies' at passing female admirers, this is also too be forbidden and they've also been told to have a wash once a year, now that's really too much to ask!

Bob Marley music is also being banned at the festival because Sadhu's love Bob's reggae beats and because Bob also loved a joint or two they are fearful that he is up in heaven with their God Shivra and Ravi Shankar doing a rendition of 'Who shot the Gandhi' (Indian version of 'Who Shot the sheriff')

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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