Yemeni photocopier found inside downed Quantas jumbo engine

Funny story written by queen mudder

Thursday, 4 November 2010


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image for Yemeni photocopier found inside downed Quantas jumbo engine
From the scene at Changi today

Singapore - (Pie-in-the-Sky News): The London to Sydney Airbus A380 was first thought to have been pranged by the Stuxnet virus.

It's number two engine exploded shortly after takeoff from Changi Airport filling Business Class with the unmistakable stench of toxic toner and inkjet fumes.

Captain Baz Koala kept his nerve however and managed to bring the blazing superjumbo down safely without loss of life or limb.

All 459 passengers and onboard crew were rescued as firemen fought to douse the flames.

Air safety officials then probed the suspect engine, discovering a Yemeni photocopier identical to one scheduled to blow up a Chicago Mossad regional office last week.

The copier had been crammed inside the starboard engine - disguised as an authentic bit of propulsion kit.

Quaintarse Australia CEO Alan Joyce said today he'd grounded the entire A380 fleet as a precaution.

Photocopier sales have reportedly rocketed in the Arabian Peninsula during the last week.

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