Mohamed Mohamed Mohamud, Basaaly Saeed Moalin and Issa Doreh, three San Diego men, have been charged with providing money to a Somali group described as a terrorist organization. They face conspiracy charges related to their alleged involvement with al-Shabaab, a group which has ties to al-Qaeda.
Despite these men having names overloaded with vowels and different spellings of the prophet, President Barack Hussein Obama emphatically denied that these alleged terrorists had any connection to the peaceful Islam religion.
As if this weren't facetious enough, Mohamed Mohamed Mohamud, when asked why his last name is spelled with a "u" declared that it was a typo on his Somali birth certificate. However his mother denied this, saying that Mohamed is confused because when he was born their name was "mud."
Mohamud, when pressed to explain this discrepancy, spat out that he "don't need to show no stinkin birth certificate."
Surely, more to follow.....