French Prisoners are eating their cellmates; it's cannibalism of the condemned

Funny story written by Lady Godiva

Monday, 21 June 2010

image for French Prisoners are eating their cellmates; it's cannibalism of the condemned
Stir fried lung anyone?

French prisoners are reportedly eating their cellmates in protest against the deplorable canteen food.

One prisoner, in Rouen, France, killed his cellmate then sliced him open using a razor blade. He then removed a rib to reach an organ, which he believed was his cellmate's heart. It was, in fact, a lung. He ate part of it raw and fried the rest up on a make-shift stove, according to The Telegraph.U.K.

This has prompted prison officials to hire someone to teach "Anatomy 101".

"After all," said the warden, "we can't have prisoners going around removing wrong organs. They need to be better educated. This is shocking news to me. I would have thought that anyone with half a brain could tell the difference between a person's heart and their lung. What is the world coming to?" What indeed?

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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