Red Letter Day

Funny story written by rossc007

Tuesday, 20 January 2004

image for Red Letter Day
Of Course its mine

In a shrewd move today President George W. has put forward a bill to eliminate the letter Q from the alphabet. Overlord Bush was quoted as saying "For too long has the average American been under a nazi-esque regime of watchin' their P's AND their Q's. It is my vision that future Americans can live in a world where there simply are no P's or Q's".

Bush ranted on "No more shall we be at the mercy of an alphabet, so complex, that it would take a child 2.5 years to learn how to speak, no no no. We will not give in to this unholy occupation of our alphabet."

Bush is expected to attempt to bleed 54 Billion for his Q removal bill, which it is believed is merely a smokescreen for his P disposal campaign.

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