Bush Forms New Political Party

Funny story written by Blind Fool -••-

Friday, 16 January 2004

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CRAWFORD, TX-President Bush today announced a bold new initiative. In a totally unexpected move, he cancelled his membership of the Republican Party and switched to another.

But he didn't join the Democrats nor any of the others-he created a totally new one. As a large banner unfurled on the side of his barn and patriotic balloons released in trumpeted fanfare, he proclaimed the formation of the Dempublicat Party.

"The Dempublicats," he started, "will be the best of both worlds. We will be all things to all people-and who wouldn't like that."

Sammy, the resident donkey in a pen close by, let out a laugh-like whinny causing W. to stop talking and the small group of gathered reporters to erupt in laughter.

After chuckling along as well, the President continued. "Sure, It'll cost a bunch of money, but the economy is strong and will cover any extra costs. I'd bet the farm on it."

When asked if he'd bet his Crawford ranch, he claimed he was talking only figuratively. "But I really mean it," he responded.

"So whether you're a Republican, Democrat, or even an illegal Mex-can, just tell us what you want and we'll squeeze you in. There's room for everybody in the Dempublicat Party."

As the President left the podium and headed for the house he handed out sodas, nachos with salsa, napkins, bottled water, and heartburn relief tablets. Unfortunately, he ran out of the favors but promised more would be on the way very soon.

It's believed Mr. Bush went inside to make some calls in order to build up his new base; which is what he needs since the the one he already has is becoming more unstable all the time.



The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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