Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging at 6am EST. What surprised most were Saddam Hussein's last defiant words, as he mocked Muqtada al-Sadr, the Shiite religious leader. Many were puzzled by this remark until the reasoning was obvious. Dean Hannity pointed out that one of his interns informed him that the line, uttered by the loveable mad scientist Professor Farnsworth, was from the cult classic Futurama.
The episode "Teenage Mutant Leelah Hurdles", which premiered on 03/30/03 included the line, "with my last breath I curse Zoidberg," who is a giant crustacean from another galaxy, unlike Hermes who is some kind of outer space potato man.
Saddam Hussein was "obviously a fan of the show," otherwise he "would not have cursed Al-Sadr with his last breath," say some news pundits. Sean Hannity proposed boycotting the show's triumphant return to television after Hussein's uttered praise for the series.
"Futurama is a threat to America," Hannity continued." I do not believe that the writers of The Simpsons would provide the script for Saddam Hussein's last defiant cry!" Rush Limbaugh agrees that the similarities between the two quotes are no coincidence.
"If you look at the video, you can see Saddam Hussein waving his arms in imitation of Zoidberg's flailing lobster claws. An obvious reference to the television program and a signal to the fans of the show to continue their jihad."
Saddam Hussein, who streamed a video from Hell (the internet is everywhere now a days) mocked Al-Sadr one more time, saying that, "See you in Girl Hell. I'll be in Boy Hell - much nicer," to which Al-Sadr replied, "It's a Saddam shame that you went to hell and will have an eternal satellite feed of me in heaven. God will reward me with virgins for killing infidels."
To quote Roy Zimmerman, "Who's sane? Who's sane? Who knows?"