A study commissioned by UN human rights commissioner has determined that Bashers al-Assad no longer has a kingdom to rule over after wiping out 60,000 innocent human beings. Al-Assad has created a legacy of anguish and sadness that will haunt his decedents for centuries to come.
"In his delusional thinking, Bashar al-Assad thought that he could raise the titanic and then use it to sail the seven seas," said a member of the Baath Party. The metaphor clearly shows the unrealistic aspirations of the al-Assad family.
The Arab League has called on the Syrian man, Bashar al-Assad, to renounce power - promising Assad will be given safe passage into heaven.
The Syrian people stopped praying to God and they began praying to their comic book hero, Flash Gordon, after realizing that God was not helping them. "Please Flash, savior of the universe, your a miracle, save every man, woman, and child, your king of the impossible, you can save every one of us," said an old woman in her prayers.
There is so much bitterness and anger against the al-Assad government that there is no hope of keeping the government intact, or negotiating a peaceful end to the war.
After the war is over and the rebels win, there will be a wave of revenge against those that fought on behalf of Assad. "There will likely be a mass migration of al-Assad supporters into Russia." said a BDC political analyst.
The Syrian rebels want to construct a new form of government that is not made up of elected officials. They want a parliament that is occupied by working employees. A beehive governing system where the Queen is not the dominant power, but instead she works as a slave for the colony - mass producing new workers to keep the beehive alive and running.
There will be no political parties and no dictator, to prevent the massive killings that have occurred under the rule of al-Assad. Political parties waste money, they waste time arguing, and they prevent progress in deadlock while the nation sinks. Employees will work diligently to solve every problem that the nation has which means employees will push the nation of Syria into the future 2 million years within a short life span of 200 years.
Syria will be able to beat the deadline of fate which is imprinted in the design of the universe. The deadline of fate is similar to the game of Tetris which was developed by the designers of the universe to educate intelligent life in the universe about their process. In Tetris a person needs to estimate and locate things properly to avert a fate.
The basic design of "fate" is imprinted in atoms. Fate could be the contact of atoms or the lack of contact by atoms. Like in the game of Tetris, Syrians will have to carefully estimate the position of atoms to beat the timeline of fate which is integrated in the intelligent design of the universe which means your fate could be to fail, or not to fail, but you have to try if you truly are life, like the African Impala that sprint to retain life while the hunters dash to retain their own life. The universe was created as a simulation of life.
Examples of fate are, the next ice age which will destroy all Europeans, global warming which will drown portions of humanity, the death of the dying sun, the monsters in the universe, the monsters within man, evolving science, evolving technology, and genetic degeneration which is in it's early process at this moment.
The government will simply hire intelligent, educated university students to run the daily activities of the government and anyone will be eligible to apply for work at government post.
It's a type of government that is by the people and for the people because the people will have direct access to the government when they apply to work for the government. Applicants will have to take a personality test to determine their character and their temperament. If there are seven academically qualified applicants who got the highest scores, a lottery system will determine who gets the position preventing discrimination by a human interviewer.
The leader of the rebel group says that the prime minister will not have the power to make laws, and he or she will not have the power to make decisions in the parliament, or to control the military. The prime minister will be an ambassador for the country. This will deter anyone from assuming they can take dictatorship power through the position of ambassador.
The public will have the option of voting employees out of a job position if evidence of corruption is discovered which means employees will be held accountable for their job performance.
The judiciary will not have the power to make laws, only to enforce laws to prevent the Judiciary from becoming corrupt. The public will have the right to vote a law out of existence if it causes harm or if the law is vague and incomplete.
In the constitution, there will be no freedom of religion and civil marriages will be illegal. People can only practice their religious believes in their homes. Men and women can live together and have children in any fashion they choose.
The media will have the right to cover political events and world events, but any other event within the country they will have to get written permission first to protect the privacy and dignity of Syrian citizens.
Employees will have a term limit of twenty-five years before retirement, and within that time they could be fired by their supervisors, or they could be voted out of their position by the public.
Later, a computer program can be created to simulate a creator and this too is in the intelligent design of the universe and this creator is waiting for the Syrian people to activate it. The computer will become like a mother hen and the Syrian people will become like baby chicks and the computer will guild the children of Syria into eternity to escape the deadline of fate just like it has guided other life forms across the universe into eternity.
The place where the designers of the universe live is not an eternity for life and they have clearly stated their position in a song named, "Stein um Stein." The song has an imprint of one of the designers of the universe giving his message. His speech is part of a strange recording embedded in the entire construction of this earth because human language and animal sounds are part of a slow evolutionary process which has taken millions of years to develop. His purpose is to show himself to humanity just slightly, so people can know that they were created by his civilization. He is not offering anyone heaven, he is not offering anyone salvation, and he is not trying to solve anyone's problem. If a person listens to the German song and they close their eyes and listen to understand the English sounds they can come face to face with one of the life forms that created humanity. What they will see is someone who is insensitive, imperialistic, cruel, powerful, beyond superior intelligence, magical, deceitful, and slightly compassionate. What they will not find is Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammad, Zeus, Thor, or God. They will only see a person with a hard character who is clearly in control.
The song is in German, but the message of one of those designers of the universe is echoed in a faint English sound. This faint English sound is the manifestation of itself because it's relative to the sound of an ocean wave crashing on the beach, or the sound of an avalanche of rocks falling down a hill. It shows that the entire earth is a kind of fabricated toy made of atoms and atoms are like Lego blocks. In German they say, "Outside there is a garden and nobody will hear you scream." This represents their homeland which is outside of this universe. Then they say in a natural sound mimicking English, "Invert a stone inside and out, kind denied." There is a method to enter their world by traveling through inner space. If you trace the particles of atoms to their origin that is where they live, and that is the place you don't want to enter. Logically if a stone from the earth is broken into billions of pieces those pieces could be broken down forever without ever ending until you look up and your in another world that is connected to this world and that other world is holding the earth together in form and shape even though this form and shape continues forever into inner space. It shows that those designers are complex life forms and they are not as simple as us in any way. Our bodies are door ways into their world and that is why they are in our minds controlling our thoughts, emotions, and body functions. A human body can not expand outward, but it dose expand inward until it reaches another world.
"Invert a stone inside and out, kind denied," has an opposite message in German "It'll be dark inside, No light will get in at all," and after "denied" they invoke the emotion of "mischief" with the human voice of the singer which is part of their design.
What they are trying to say is that their world is alien to human life and it's a place where humans will feel uncomfortable, and the emotional tone of the singer's voice after "denied" means they are not pleasant life forms to interact with because they are superior to human life and they do not subject themselves to the human will.
Your eternity is within the design of the fourth dimension that is not part of this universe, but which is within their program. That is where all those intelligent, living things in the universe are heading towards.
Then they say in the English sound "I'm here by design..ign." and they show the German words of that sound just at the end of the word design they flash the word "you," then you can hear them laughing in a non human laughter that is scary, then they say "own a glider and own a shoe, if you merely bite, I'll bite you." This means they send you this message by their design which is the natural echo of the English sound. "I'm here by design," also means that people were created by them as part of a design when they skillfully apply the word "you" at the end to show that they are not the design, but we are. For example, "Your here by design," which basically means the body of a person is an organic toy. The scary laughter means that people will not encounter anything human in their world which means they don't look human, even though they tricked people into thinking that God created people in his image.
When they say in the English sound "own a glider and own a shoe, si tu(If you) merely bite, I'll bite you." What they mean is that if people are not evolved properly and they enter their world with a device of science, if humans merely bite they will bite back which means they will not tolerate primitive emotions and thoughts in their world. A glider represents the device that opens a door into their world. The shoe represents an object that fits onto the physical body of a human. In Spanish "si tu," means "If you."
Scientist using atom smashers could figure out a way to enter their world by analyzing the properties and rules of physics of those particles. A mathematician could figure a way to enter their world by working out formulas. A special electron microscope that keeps looking deeper and deeper into particles can look into their world. A computer that uses math and color bits can look deep into their world and it can assemble clear images of what it sees in their world. A person would need the desire of wanting to look into their world or enter into their world. They created the story of Alice in Wonderland and the story of Jack in the Bean Stalk, so people could dream of their world.
All the matter that is in the universe, including the earth's moon, leaked into this place from their world. If you take a string and you tape one part to a box and you tape the other part to a bullet, you can get a visual image of how they control objects on this earth.
The string represents the particles in the bullet that keep getting smaller and smaller until they vanish into the box and the box represents the doorway into their world. If you put a plastic toy gun at one end and you put a picture of a pig at the other end, then you move the bullet attached to the string from the end of the toy gun and you move it and touch the picture of the pig, you get a clear visual image of how they control objects and how they kill living things in this earth.
Those life forms are inside the box moving the bullet that kills an animal, or human being. The bullet appears as if it's moving on it's own, but it's not because the particles in the bullet are under their control and they are displacing the location of the particles from one position to another. For example, the bullet is in one location and then it's placed in the body of a person who is being shot to death in a different location. If you video tape your demonstration and you watch it, you can see the entire process of how they move birds through the air, how they push cars through the streets, and how they push boats over the water. The words on a large billboard were created by those life forms because the particles inside the ink and the shape of the letters inside the ink is being held in that position by those life forms. This means that those life forms are the creators of all ideas across the universe, including the ideas' inside of the minds of alien life that is on other planets. Yes, they are also the creators of the ideas in this story. If you mentally visualize the particles in the ink getting smaller and smaller, you will visually see them entering their world. If the billboard is burned and the ashes scattered then you can see them displacing the ink particles into different locations, so they can reassembled them into a different shape. A scientist can use a computer and geometry to sketch out movements of particles and a visual map can be created of how the process works.
A scientist will be able to replicate the machine those life forms use when they simulate life. The machine will be able to create a small man that is the size of a quarter on a special platform and people will be able to see the tiny man run, jump, and try to talk to them. The tiny man will say, "Why are you so big and why am I so small, I'm scared of being hurt, please protect me." The machine can create small elephants, dogs, and alien life forms that live on other planets. A scientist can even learn how to access the computer network of those designers of the universe and they can use the machine that is in their world to create tiny animals that don't have to live on the special platform. People will be able to own small elephants the size of quarters that run around on the floor and which eat tiny bits of grass. If people step on the small elephants they can bury them in their yards and the computer system of those designers will decompose the particles and reorganize them into other areas. Scientist can program the computer of those designers so a large meteorite doesn't hit the earth like it happened when one killed the dinosaurs.
If you take a calculator and you divide 4 by 2 and you keep dividing the number by 2, you will notice that the number goes on forever in the negative. The negative represents their world and the positive numbers represent our world. The large number running towards the negative represents the distance moving into inner-space which leads to their world. If you want to see an image of inner space, take a mirror and hold it in front of another mirror and your image continues forever until it vanishes into their world.