OMG! Lunar footprints not male 'unless Buzz Aldrin had penchant for 6-inch stilettos' shockhorror!

Funny story written by queen mudder

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

image for OMG! Lunar footprints not male 'unless Buzz Aldrin had penchant for 6-inch stilettos' shockhorror!
A pair just like these? Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins both denied all knowledge!

Groom Lake, Nevada - NASA's global HQ is at a loss to explain how imprints of $1,000-a-pop six inch-heeled Manolos have ended up on the lunar surface.

The 3D images appear on newly released Moon landing files for Apollo 11, 12, 14 and 17 missions, taken by the US space agency's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The $583million project has snapped traces of first human contact with Earth's only satellite in what's promising to be yet another twist in the lunar landings saga.

Expert analysis says the size five stiletto heeled winkle-pickers 'were not Aldrin's size' nor that of any other fellow astronauts.

"Is this what the cover-up has been all about," the TinFoilHattersAnonymous.con website asked today, "that it was a woman - or young lady - who first trod the Moon surface?"

Also spotted in the pix were neatly packaged plastic bags of various bits of space mission detritus.

An empty deodrant aerosol, dental floss, mouthwash, emery board etc - supports the suggestion that it MUST have been a female 'because the men just chucked their garbage on the ground and left it there.'

Other male rubbish bears a sneaky resemblance to cigarette butts in what's been described as a spooky development 'given the entire Lunar landscape's a No Smoking Zone.'

Other Orbiter imagery and recorded footage will appear at NASA's Area 51 HQ and on their YouBoob! channel page.

Yuri Gagarin is 104.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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