Sarah Palin Claims She Could Beat Obama

Funny story written by UWGB-Beek

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Washington--Sarah Palin, who was enjoying some beers with the girls at Buffalo Wild Wings in D.C., while watching her daughter dance on "Dancing with the Stars," made the bold statement that she could beat Obama in 2012.

"I can beat Obama because he is a socialist pig that doesn't care about anything but his golf score. I care about America because I was born in America." Ms. Palin said as she fell from her bar stool.

It was reported that Ms. Palin was drinking at the time of the statement, but that can't be proven because her handlers destroyed any evidence of her making those comments and photographs of her drinking directly from a pitcher of beer.

One witness, who didn't want to be identified, did say he saw Ms. Palin drinking.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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