A spoof writer known by pen name Shirley Ugest, after winning the Tour de Force, has admitted to using steroids, and has been forced to give up the prize. The result of this forfeiture has caused Ms. Ugest to become unable to find anything remotely funny to write about for the past three weeks.
For a short time period in October, writer Ugest wrote the equivalent of three to four satirical articles per day, besting even the best writers on the primary spoof site she wrote for.
Even Ms. Ugest herself could not believe the amazing tales being spun from her imagination as she wrote non-stop for days on end. From non-rhyming poems to non-rhyming stories, she wrote story upon story upon story to the wonder and amazement of her fellow writers.
However, when the writing began to slow down, the other writers who had nominated Ms. Ugest for the Tour de Force award, began to suspect something was amiss. It was later determined that Ms. Ugest herself admitted using steroids, albeit legally, to correct a medical problem.
Ms. Ugest, in her defense, claims that she did not know about the side effects she would be experiencing such as lack of sleep and a heightened sense of the voices in her head, as she churned out her best work since before she began writing.
Nevertheless, rules are rules. The Tour de Force award has been re-claimed by the spoof desk and will be awarded to another prolific writer--most likely one who tends to write only short snippets, but which snippets apparently are quite popular with the other writers. The award may even undergo a name change from Tour de Force to Tour de Forcette.