Spoofer Accidentally Posts Same Spoof Twice

Funny story written by Inhopeless

Saturday, 13 November 2010


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One User's Possible Reaction to the Double-Posting. To Be Honest, I Don't Have a Clue If they Were Angry or Not, But Hey

BIRMINGHAM - As today is a slow news day for this reporter, something resembling an interesting story came up.

Spoofer Inhopless (rated overall 23rd as of 12.11pm 13/11/10 (GMT)) had accidentally posted the same spoof news story twice. This caused mild shock and outrage among him, as this would eat up his Download Allowance, set down in the contract specified by SpeakSpeak ISP.

"Yeah," he said, somberly. "It was a late night, I guess. I came home from a busy day at sixth-form, exams and shit. I thought I'd let off some steam, and what better than to target New York City... it's been attacked so many times by so many creatures in films, books, TV, you'd think that God had no other city to demolish."

His article, New York City Yet Again Attacked for the Umpteemth Time capatapulted him to the top ten in the US Headlines section, however, due to the fact that his brother was streaming a video at the exact moment he hit 'publish', the page stopped loading for Inhopeless.

"There I was," he recalled. "sitting there in my chair, smiling, happy with my art, and boom! The page cannot be found thingy came up on Firefox. I clicked Reload, and then I clicked Resend Data."

What he didn't know, was that the data that was resent was his entire story. Over again.

"How does it look?" he said fustrated. "I send the same story twice. How does that look to the admins? I see the same two headline titles in the 'Pending Approval' section."

Luckily, possibly, the approval people decided to discard the second re-iteration, saving Inhopeless the humiliation of having two stories that look the same appearing on the same page.

"This isn't the Sun, you know. People here actually use their brains."

As of press time... oh what? Oh great, something worth reporting turns up! I might as well press publish. Hope it doesn't make me have to reload the page again.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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