First Lady Michelle Obama took a vacation in Europe this week, igniting a firestorm of scandal about Beltway insiders.
"A vacation in Europe?" wept Fox News Crier Glen Beck. "Do I have to draw you a picture? Lenin took a vacation to Europe. Karl Marx vacationed in Spain. People, see the obvious!"
Other pundits agreed. "Osama bin Ladn took his children on vacation to Afghanistan," said former Ambassador John Bolton. "And now Michelle Obama is taking her children to Spain. It's the same thing!"
Some commentators called for calm. "Wasn't Spain was our ally in the attack on Iraq?" asked Wolf Blitzer. "Maybe vacationing there isn't technically an act of treason after all."
Such voices of attempted moderation found little sympathy amoung the Washington Press Corps. "If this isn't enough to lead to Obama's impeachment," asked Fox News Inventor Bill O'Reilly, "Then what is?"