Obama Administration Bares all about Campaign Contributors

Funny story written by Philbert of Macadamia

Thursday, 1 July 2010

image for Obama Administration Bares all about Campaign Contributors
"Special Interest Contributions!"

Washington DC: Presidential Press Secretary Gibbs announced today that a full list of special interest presidential campaign contributors will be made public and placed on the White House website. The list will include organization names, dollar amounts and any Quid Pro Quo agreements.

In summary there are the well known donors: the unions and card check legislation; environmentalists and climate change legislation; insurance companies and health care reform legislation; investment houses and Wall Street reform legislation; Gays/Lesbians and don't ask don't tell repeal legislation; and Hispanics and illegal immigration Amnesty legislation.

The little known PORN industry/nudist colony lobby has raised the largest allowable monetary contribution. It is unclear at this time what the group's legislative aim is to be, but it has something to do with the Internet. The president, the first lady, all the executive branch cabinet members, Czars and presidential advisors will be going "Au Natural" after Labor Day.

The president is committed to honor his campaign promises!

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