Bill Clinton: "I DID NOT Have Phone Sex with Joe Sestak!"

Funny story written by b kenneth mcgee

Monday, 31 May 2010


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image for Bill Clinton: "I DID NOT Have Phone Sex with Joe Sestak!"

In a harshly worded statement Bill Clinton has denied that he ever offered Joe Sestak a job in the Obama administration.

"That Ass," said Clinton, "I called him to ask how things were going and then jokingly asked if he would like a BJ in the White House. How in the hell would I know that this jerk off would think I was offering him a Big Job in the White House. I use to think that Joe was a reincarnation of Eddie Haskell on Leave It to Beaver, now all I can think of is Laurel & Hardy, It's another fine mess, you got us into this time. The dude is dumber than wood, plus, never joke with an overage Eagle Scout."

When Sestak was contacted by a reporter, he replied indignantly, "Of course I thought he meant a Big Job. How disgusting! That is not funny! Besides, I had enough of that other kind of BJ just getting to be an Admiral."

The correspondent followed up, "Congressman Sestak, have you been in contact with the White House since this happened?"

"Yes, of course" replied the Congressman. "I called Rahm just this morning."

Reporter: "What did he say?"

Sestak: "Oh, you know Rahm, he's such a joker."

Reporter: "What did he say?"

Sestak: "Oh, he was just kidding around."

Reporter: "Well, what did he say?"

Sestak: "Well….he said…..Eat shit and die, motherfucker and hung up."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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