NEW YORK (JUNE 22) - Even as shoppers line up outside bookstores to get their copy of "My Life", publisher Alfred A. Knopf has already announced that a deluxe edition will be available later this month featuring a cover photo of a pair of gray pinstripe pants and a zipper.
Spokesperson Natalie Boramundo acknowledged the similarity between the proposed cover and the 1971 "Sticky Fingers" album cover by the Rolling Stones which featured a black-and-white close-up of a pair of jeans with the zipper pulled down. "Just as that cover captured a moment in the career of a great rock and roll band, we think that this cover captures a moment in the career of a great American president," said Boramundo, adding that the zipper on "My Life" would be pulled up prior to shipping, "in deference to Mrs. Clinton." Unnamed persons within Knopf who were in attendance report that Clinton himself posed for the photograph, and that several different shots were required. "His zipper was up, then down, then up, then down again and that's how it went before the shooting finally ended," they said.
The printing will be limited to another 2 million copies. The deluxe edition will come packaged in a cigar box and is due to come out June 30th.