President Bush receives phone call from Santa Claus

Funny story written by whatinthe world

Friday, 12 December 2008

image for President Bush receives phone call from Santa Claus
The Prez on the North Pole Hotline

The President of the United States, George W Bush, today received a telemarketing call from none other than the jolly fat bloke in the red suit, yes, Santa Claus.

In what is believed to be a world first, Santa Claus has decided to ask people personally what they want under the Christmas tree this Yuletide and chose President Bush as his first recipient.

Mr Bush was reluctant to take the call at first as he was reading his monthly copy of Playboy.

Santa Claus rang at the start of the busiest period of his calendar with the annual sleigh distribution of presents about to get under way.

Mr Claus was unavailable for comment today to let us good folk in on what the Prez wanted for Christmas however we can guess that a pair of socks would be right up there.

Santa Claus never fails to satisfy even the most woolly headed of human beings.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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