WASHINGTON D.C. - Colin Powell, former secretary of state under the George Bush administration has endorsed Senator Barack Obama.
The Democratic party is viewing this as a fantastic move that will certainly help to generate more points on Obama's side of the poll numbers. When told of Colin Powell's endorsement Obama replied, "Fundamentally this is an amazing endorsement and right now I am one happy as heck half-Kenyan." Joe Biden yelled out, "Yippy, yippy, yippy."
Sarah Palin, said, "Ya know, it sure as heck is looking like my 15 minutes of fame are just tick-tocking away faster than I can say the 'S' word." And John McCain, reportedly locked himself up in his 'Straight Talk Express' bus and could be heard yelling over and over, "I wanted Letterman, I mean I wanted Lieberman, I wanted Letterman, I mean I wanted Lieberman..."
In other news, 'Joe The Plumber' has just entered into the 'Witness Protection Program.' His name is now Josefina Plomero and she is living on The Bananarama Banana Farm outside of Puntarenas, Costa Rica.
(Decision of the judges is final)