President's Day Confusion

Funny story written by Deanna Goodson

Monday, 16 February 2004

Washington, DC Today President Bush announced that everyone would have to give him a present. It was, after all, President's Day.

He said, "This job jus' keeps getting better and better. I get a whole day to myself. I am so happy. And I didn't even have to stuff ballot boxes or nothing over to win this honor. Strike that last statement, please."

His press secretary hit his head and said, "D'oh". He does that often. He was heard to whisper to Condoleeza Rice, "I wish I could put a muzzle on him." She didn't reply but several eyewitnesses noticed her smile.

Finally, someone explained to Dubya that Presiden'ts Day is about honoring all president's that have done great things like Washington and Lincoln. He was noticeably deflated after that.

Laura, his wife, comforted him by saying, "Honey, I'll buy you a shiny balloon on my way back from the Lincoln Monument, okay?"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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